Deborah Feingold/Getty Images

The legacy of Black People in America is so rich and nourishing. How could one ever bottle that up for generations to come; to partake in the wealth of our beginnings? The effervescent soul of a people that was richly and humanely, pivotally quantified through the words and literary art of author and novelist Toni Morrison. She has the ability to capture moments of a people and of time and space within them. Morrison’s passion for the written word was all encompassing, and allowed young black writers of generations to envision a path of historical wealth to explore.

The roots she’s been able to place at our feet within history will be unforgettable and succor us forging through another time of wildly darkened human nature, uncanny turbulence and soulless ferocity; with a light that is full of her insightful and in-depth wisdom.

Toni Morrison, passed today leaving behind eighty-eight years of literary legacy, left to a race of people, a nation and the world. She will continue to live on through her unforgettable wisdom and the pages of her treasured work. A queen of literature, an exquisite author, Pulitzer Prize winner along with other countless incredible accolades. Morrison also received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2012, presented to her by then-president Barack Obama, a close friend of hers. She is survived by her two children, Slade and Harold Morrison.

"Being a black woman writer is not a shallow place but a rich place to write from. It doesn't limit my imagination; it expands it. It's richer than being a white male writer because I know more and I've experienced more." —cited from a 2003 New Yorker profile.